
Wonderland Camp

Wonderland Camp

Overnight Camp | Specialty Camp

Wonderland Camp has been dedicated to providing an exceptional camping experience for children, teens and adults with disabilities since 1969.  Located at the beautiful Lake of the Ozarks on 125 acres, Wonderland Camp is adapted so that all individuals can participate in traditional camping activities and make memories of a lifetime. Ages 6 to 99 are welcome to attend. Wonderland Camp provides (3:1) camper to staff ratio and has limited openings for those needing 1:1. Summer camp is $1050 per week.

Summer camp weekly sessions are 6 days and 5 nights that run from Sunday to Friday. Cabins have central heating and air conditioning making sleep comfortable.  All meals, snacks, activities, and bedding are included. Campers receive a free camp T-shirt to tie-dye! Favorite activities at camp include the weekly Talent Show and dancing the night away at the last dance. Campers are grouped by age and interest and can participate in activities of their choosing, including;

  • Walk-in pool
  • Splash pad
  • Climbing Wall
  • Ropes Course
  • Giant Swing
  • Walk/Hiking Trails
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Mini Golf
  • Archery
  • BB Gun range
  • Fishing
  • Paddle boats
  • Pontoon rides
  • Volleyball
  • Basketball
  • Pirate Ship excursion

Wonderland Camp also offers weekend camps in the Spring and Fall. These camps are offered on select weekends with check-in on Friday evening and check-out on Sunday morning.

 For more information and current schedules check out

Camp Wish List:
50 Camperships @$200 each$20,000
20 fishing poles @ $20 each$400
1,100 T-shirts for Campers @ $5 each$5,500
50 arts and craft supplies @ $10 each$500

For in-kind donations, we can always use bottled water and stuff for s’mores, including marshmallows, chocolate bars and graham crackers, as well as games and crafts for the campers. Check out our full Amazon Wish List:



“As we expected camp has been WONDERFUL. The genuine smile on (my daughter’s) face in the pictures I took at drop off and the ones the counselors are sending me are testament to what an amazing thing you are doing. Thank you so very, very much! ”


“I can see what other kids have gone through and how they survived. It helps me get through & conquer. We are all survivors. That’s a gift.”


“When I'm at camp, I feel like a normal kid. Some kids don't get to go outside because our parents are just working too much and too hard. At home, I'm just watching movies all day. I don't want to get too old to come to Wildwood.”


“Without the support of Camps for Kids and the matching fund, CHD Families would be unable to provide a free medically supervised summer camp for kids with Congenital Heart Defects.”


“I look back on the struggle of my childhood and one of the most important and best childhood memories I have includes the time spent at camp with the amazing men and women who treated me like I was normal despite my struggle.”

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