Camps For Kids

Camps For Kids works to ensure that no Kansas City-area child will be turned away from summer camp because of low income or physical or developmental disability.


Learn More About Our Match Campaign

Matching Donations — Multiplying Joy

Camps For Kids wants every Kansas City-area child, regardless of income or disability, to have the opportunity to experience the joy of summer camp.

You can help!

Join our Match CAMPaign: Between April 1 and July 31, camps can make their donations go twice as far. During this time, Camps For Kids matches gifts to participating camps dollar-for-dollar, up to $2000 per individual, until the camp has reached its approved match amount. This funding fills a critical gap for camps focused on providing the benefits of summer camp to our most vulnerable children at low or no cost.

You can help us make the match and benefit ALL the camps in our network. Just click the DONATE button below.

Or to donate to a particular camp, click on CAMPS in the menu above and then select the camp you want to help.



Other ways you can help

There are lots of ways to help Camps For Kids fulfill its mission of ensuring that Kansas City-area children have the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of summer camp regardless of income or disability.

Attend Camps For Kids Fundraising Events

Volunteer at Camps For Kids Events

Volunteer with our Board of Directors

Volunteer at a Camp



“As we expected camp has been WONDERFUL. The genuine smile on (my daughter’s) face in the pictures I took at drop off and the ones the counselors are sending me are testament to what an amazing thing you are doing. Thank you so very, very much! ”

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Camps For Kids still needs your help, especially during these troubled times. Click here to learn how you can help.Learn More
